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It's not, valid.

The blog of a guy that lives in the planet earth. 一個在生活在地球上的人寫的記錄。


Aboriginal day

Today, 21st of June, is the Aboriginal Day. This is a day celebrating Canada's people's freedom. I learn a lot today.
Here at the land of First Nation, I realize that that is a totally different place than the rest of the world (likely, haha every places are different). The people are just hoping their home in "shape". Thinking about that, I remembered an article (written in Chinese) that my dad sent to me last week.

二十一世紀的香港和新加坡,表面上都是繁榮昌盛的城市,但是在看起來勇往直前的衝勁深處,其實又隱藏著一種文化的焦灼。在英國殖民文化所紮下的地基上,眺 望中國文化投擲下的巨大輪廓,思索自己手中想建的大樓,究竟該長什麼樣。傳統和現代怎麼界定又如何銜接、英語和華語孰輕孰重、北京話和閩粵方言能否共存, 文化的歸屬,究竟那最深的軸,在哪裡?這一種存在的焦灼,自覺或不自覺,就在各個領域裡流露出來:教育政策、都市規劃和保存、文化政策和藝術教育的辯論等 等。
這種焦灼,和這兩個城市的繁榮昌盛,其實是同一條絲綢花被的面和裡吧?殖民主義帶來了現代化的經濟體制,同時也拆解了原來的傳統紋理,留下了文化的頓然失 所。十九世紀殖民主義或深或淺的足跡,至今清晰可尋。寫出「東方主義」對殖民主義深刻批判的薩依德,很小就體會了文化失所的意含。失去了巴勒斯坦這個家, 流離到開羅,小薩依德進入開羅的英國學校。這個學校使他「頭一遭體驗到英國人以一個殖民地事業為形式的有組織體系。其中的氣候是全體不帶疑問的唯唯諾諾, 教員與學生都一副可恨的奴相…我和校外的英國孩子並無接觸,隔著一條無形界線,他們藏在我不能進入的另一個世界裡。我深深覺得他們的姓名才是『正』名,他 們的衣著、口音及交遊也和我完全不同…他們是有家的,
而最深意義的『家』,是我一直無緣的東西。」在英語學校裡,講阿拉伯語是要被歧視、受處罰的。但是他很快發現,用一個語言去解釋另一個語言的世界,是一件 極端複雜、困難的事。被迫擁抱一個你無法真正進入的語言,被迫「擱淺」一個你自己身心相屬的語言,結果是一種精神的流離失所,薩依德說,就是變成「永遠的 流浪人,永遠離鄉背井,一直與環境衝突,對於過去難以釋懷,對於現在和未來滿懷愁苦。」

薩依德體驗到殖民的文化割裂,是在一九四一年,他上小學。循著足跡再往前行,可以看見一九二八年的聶魯達。一九七一年的諾貝爾文學獎得主聶魯達,在一九二 八年,是智利派駐錫蘭的年輕外交官。他在趕赴宴會的路上,聽見歌聲,從一間黑幽幽的屋子裡傳出。他就叫停了正在奔跑人力車,駐足傾聽。「在黑暗中如泣如訴 地顫動,這聲音高到難以置信的高度,便戛然而止,隨即降到像陰影那樣黑暗,融會到雞蛋花香氣中去。」他到了宴會,英國人穿著高雅的禮服,對聶魯達遲到的原 因覺得難解:「音樂?本地人也有音樂?」
然後聶魯達很仔細地描寫他所目睹的一場大規模獵象行動:農民用火把將大約五百頭野象群逼到森林的一個角落,然後誘進一個大圍場。當大象發現上當時,牠們已 經沒有退路。這時,大象退到圍場中央,把母象和幼象圍在中心,有組織地抵抗敵人。「牠們發出馬嘶或刺耳的號聲似的令人痛苦的叫聲,絕望中把最柔弱的樹木連 根拔起。」
這時,農民首先讓早被馴服的大象進入圍場,攻擊野象,以便讓獵人趁機把野象的後腿用粗繩拴到樹幹上。野象,就這樣一頭一頭被制伏。但是,制伏之後還要馴 服:被俘的大象好幾天不肯進食。但是獵人瞭解牠們的弱點,讓牠們餓一段時間,然後把牠們愛吃的植物的芽和嫩枝送來,牠們在沒有被俘時曾經在大森林裡長途跋 涉去尋找這種食物。大象終於決定吃東西了。大象就這樣被馴服了,而且開始學幹繁重的工作。
(I would include a translated summery here later.)

Aboriginal Day

(I am tired of the no spell-check thing.)

Anyway, there are a lot happening today. First, live bands in downtown everywhere. Get some fries; sitting down, hey you go! I don't know what band is playing for today, though. That could be interesting because not all the bands are good in town. Surely the ones that play would be out of average.

Sometimes I think I am really getting to the ideal wake up time. I still find myself sleeping till 1 p.m. everyday (nearly). That means I miss a lot of the daylight (not the temperature though), but unfortunately I can't change a lot about it. This is too bad.

By the way, some people do think that this is a good way to get recovered after a "staying all night" thing. I didn't stay up really late, but I just think I need more rest what so ever.


somehow i can't seem to find the quiet inside my mind...

somehow i can't seem to find the quiet inside my mind...
Some random blog.
I just look for some femme Canadian bloggers out there. Are you one of them?

Random thoughts

After getting some idea how Blogger(r) works, I find myself frustrated.
  1. First, even Gmail has spell check. Why doesn't Blogger?
  2. Second, the "use your server" feature sucks so bad too. Everything, including some dynamtic things are css based, which means that in order for your blog to work, you must rely on blogger some way to another.
  3. Third, no more unregistered users' comments.
Life sucks so bad, isn't it?

My new place to say things.

You know, I like to say a whole lot of things. Having been in Canada for so - 10 months, I think my English have improved a lot. Here I could prove it wrong by making a lot of grammactial mistakes and nonsensable sentences.

(e.g. This post haven't gone through spellcheck.)